Dreaming Beyond the Invisible FiltersDreams have even been filtered. Why should one’s dreams go through certain filters, why are they always subject to certain limits? I mean…Feb 5Feb 5
Switching to Linux Mint: A Step Toward ChangeI have been looking for a change for a long time. I wanted to start somewhere close to home. I changed my operating system, I said hello to…Dec 9, 2024Dec 9, 2024
Reflections from WithinLearned helplessness, pressure from the environment, missteps, roads not traveled, places not seen, prejudices taught, the feeling that it…Jul 31, 2024Jul 31, 2024
Environment Matters: Shaping Success in Work and FootballThe footballer comes from a good team abroad. At first, in training and matches, he shows his quality, his skills, and his vision to the…Mar 10, 2024Mar 10, 2024
Walking on the Drawn PathIn order to break out of the mold, you first need to realize what value judgments you have.Jan 3, 2024Jan 3, 2024
First Step on a New RoadDifferent jobs, different surroundings, different people, different goals, different ideals, a different me and a different life were…Nov 13, 2023Nov 13, 2023
More than One Sided ThinkingI was in a situation that I had been caught up in for a long time and if I hadn’t realized it, I would have continued to drift. What…Jul 21, 2023Jul 21, 2023
Space Documentary, Euro Truck Simulator 2 and BirdsI am writing these lines in the early hours of Sunday morning. I rarely sit in front of the computer at this time of the weekend. I usually…May 14, 2023May 14, 2023
Prioritizing Experience Over GradesWhile waiting for the water to boil in the kitchen, I went back to my university years with the effect of the song playing in the…Mar 14, 2023Mar 14, 2023
LostIt’s a Thursday evening when I’m not sleepy at all and I have a lot of thoughts in my mind. Tomorrow will be a day when I have to get up…Mar 2, 2023Mar 2, 2023